Friday, January 18, 2013


Welcome to Cici's Pretend Library, where I (Cici) shall talk about books, life, and other random things I come up with when I have had far too much coffee.
This is my first blog, I'm probably going to be very horrible at blogging... But, it's worth a shot. Honestly, I'm not even sure I have anything majorly interesting to blog about, ya know, unless you want to hear about my cat Smoosh and how I'm relativly positive she would kill me if she got the chance. but, ah ha, I'm onto her little plan and she knows it.
Or maybe you want to hear about my talents? I'm good at typing (66 words per minute, if I do say so myself... which I do...) I can read really fast (other kids my age read a 600 page book in around 3 weeks, while I read it in 3 days, but that's probably why I have a D in geometry... Wait, I take that back, D+) My teachers compliment me on my perfect handwriting, although that's more of my first grade teacher than I. I'm sure Mrs. Luthe would be very proud.

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